Learn About Protection
When you think you are ready to start having sex, it is important that you understand and follow the rules of protection. Using protection can not only prevent pregancies, but can prevent against the contraction of STIs.
Sex should be respectful, consensual and protected. How can you practice safe sex and what are some of the most important things that you should consider? Here are some of the things that you should know about protected sex, or safe sex in general:
- Do not engage in sex with multiple partners. It is always best to stick to one partner at a time. If you’re actively engaging in sex with multiple partners, then you have a higher chance of contracting STIs.
- Safe sex means using protection such as condoms or birth control pills. They don’t just prevent you from the possibility of unwanted pregnancies – they also protect you from STIs such as Chlamydia, HIV, or even Herpes.
- Learn more about birth control pills. There are many options and resources for obtaining birth control pills. They are some of the most effective forms of protection when used correctly.
- Abstinence is 100% effective against STIs and pregnancies.
- If you are sexually active then you should visit your doctor regularly to make sure you haven’t contracted any diseases or have become pregnant.
Practicing safe sex and learning about protection will make a strong impact on your life. There are many organizations and resources that provide support and protection to teens. Planned Parenthood is well-known establishment among teens and young adults. They provide check ups, protection, and also provide educational resources to those unfamiliar and willing to learn.
So whether you’re ready to have sex or not, it’s important to know the facts.